Paper Id : IJCIRAS1978, Pages : 1 : 13 Author Name :
Alaaldin Mahmoud Saleem Alzubi Area of research : Education PDF Url :
: This study aimed to explain the phonological challenges faced by Syrian refugee learners of English. The study relied on the descriptive and analytical approach. The research population was represente...
Paper Id : IJCIRAS1979, Pages : 14 : 24 Author Name :
Mark Obosu Area of research : Cultural Aspects of Development PDF Url :
: The importance of providing learning experiences that enable the African child to acquire knowledge and understanding of the traditional music, dance, and drama of their environment and those of their...
Paper Id : IJCIRAS1980, Pages : 25 : 29 Author Name :
Habib Ahmad Karimi Area of research : Economics PDF Url :
: Foreign Direct Investment is one of the vital parts of the Global Economy. In the past, countries were trading, and they were sending their goods and raw materials to each other, so with this procedur...