Qualification: |
P.hd |
Department: |
Information Technology |
Designation : |
Professor |
Cloud Computing, Mobile Ad-hoc Network, Big Data
L.D.College Of Engineering, Ahmedabad
I.T. 2013 - Current
Government Engineering College, Modasa
I.T. 2005 - 2013
- ATAST 2012, Surat National Level Paper Presentation. Title of paper is "Approaches for efficient workflow planning and execution of scientific application with cloud resources to maximize throughput within a limited time limit."
- Internation Conference ICEL 2011, Ahmedabad on Elevative Learning. Title of Paper is "Effective Information and Communication Technology based Learning Methodology by adapting Cloud Computing Technology"
- Efficient Ways to Improve the Performance of HDFS for Small Files at IISTE
(www.iiste.org) ISSN (Paper)2222-1727 , Feb 2014 Volume:05,No:01 Page No:45-49
- A Comparative study of Clustering Algorithms using MapReduce in Hadoop
IJERT ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 2 Issue 10, October – 2013 Page No:2999-3004
- A Performance Analysis of MapReduce Applications on Big Data in Cloud based Hadoop ICICES 2014, ISBN No.978-1-4799-3834-6/14/ ©2014 IEEE 27-28 February 2014 at VEERARAGHAVAPURAM
- A Novel Approach to Improve the Performance of Hadoop in Handling of Small Files ICCICCT IEEE Conference on 10th,11th July at Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil
- Network Topology Towards Energy-Efficient IPNetworks
IJEDR ISSN: 2321-9939
- Rushing Attack Prevention with AODV in
Mobile Ad hoc Network IJEDR ISSN: 2321-9939
- Mitigation of Comparison Based Media-query Script less Timing Attack paper selected at IEEE INDICON 2015.
- Life Member of ISTE
- Chairman, IT Department at HNGU Board of Studies
- QEEE with IIT Madras
- GTU Dissertation guide in M.E 3rd & 4th semester