Paper Id : IJCIRAS1945, Pages : 1 : 6 Author Name :
M Arif Wicaksono Akbar, Agus Luthfi, Lilis Yuliati Area of research : Economics PDF Url :
: This research uses a qualitative approach, type of case study research to find out, describe and analyze in depth about the Effectiveness in using the E-Bilaperdu application in connection with inflat...
Paper Id : IJCIRAS1946, Pages : 7 : 14 Author Name :
David Moreno Vazquez, Araceli Ortiz Carranco, Jos'e Gonzalo Ramírez Rosas, Jorge Lozada Lechuga Area of research : Economics PDF Url :
: At present, innovation has become a mandatory requirement for growth, the levels of competitiveness between companies are characterized by an increasingly demanding market. In the case of Mexico, it h...