International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
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Manuscript Details - IJCIRAS1346

ManuScript Details
Paper Id: IJCIRAS1346
Published in: International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
Publisher: IJCIRAS
ISSN: 2581-5334
Volume / Issue: Volume 2 Issue 3
Pages: 4
Published On: 8/21/2019 9:38:43 PM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
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Main Author Details
Name: May Lwin Thant
Institute: Technological University (Meiktila), Myanmar
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
Khin Thandar Tun Technological University (Meiktila), Myanmar
Khine Myint Mon Technological University (Meiktila), Myanmar
Research Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering
KeyWord: LDR, 555 timer IC, Relay, Fan
Abstract: Automatic hand dryer is automatically dried the hands. This helps to prevents spreading bacteria from the unclean hand, wastage of paper tower and huge time saver. The hand dryer consists of Light Department Resistor (LDR) and 555 timer IC. The 555 timer IC is work as a monostable mode that it drives with the 5 V relay. Laser light falls on the LDR, the hand drying system remains OFF state and when the laser light is blocked by the hand from falling on the LDR, the hand drying system remains ON state. In the other words, the light from the laser module is cut off by the hand then the dryer is activated.
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May Lwin Thant, Khin Thandar Tun, Khine Myint Mon, "AUTOMATIC HAND DRYER", International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 107-110, 2019.
MLA May Lwin Thant, Khin Thandar Tun, Khine Myint Mon "AUTOMATIC HAND DRYER." International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol 2, no. 3, 2019, pp. 107-110.
APA May Lwin Thant, Khin Thandar Tun, Khine Myint Mon (2019). AUTOMATIC HAND DRYER. International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, 2(3), 107-110.
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