International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
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Manuscript Details - IJCIRAS1889

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Paper Id: IJCIRAS1889
Published in: International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
Publisher: IJCIRAS
ISSN: 2581-5334
Volume / Issue: Volume 4 Issue 12
Pages: 12
Published On: 6/3/2022 4:58:59 AM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
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Main Author Details
Name: Mr. Rahul Shriram Tiramal
Institute: Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil College of Pharmacy, Chopda-425107, Maharashtra, India
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
Dr. Bharat .V. Jain Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil College of Pharmacy, Chopda-425107, Maharashtra, I
Dr. Sandip .R. Pawar Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil College of Pharmacy, Chopda-425107, Maharashtra, India
Mr. Tanveer .Y. Shaikh Smt. Sharadchandrika Suresh Patil College of Pharmacy, Chopda-425107, Maharashtra, India
Research Area: Pharmacy, Pharmacology & theraputics
KeyWord: Multi-Purpose, Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Bacterial
Abstract: In daily life for both women and men apply the skin care for beautifying and altering the appearance of the skin. Nowadays consumers well aware of the product benefits and their side effects, hence the usage of the herbal and Natural Products gets increases, because herbal have fewer or no side effects. The science of Ayurveda had utilized many Naturals oils to make cosmetics for beautification and protection from external affects the natural content of in the botanicals do not cause any drawbacks on human body; instead enhance the body with nutrients and other useful minerals. The natural oils and their products when used for their aromatic value in skin care preparation are termed as herbal.The increase demand for the natural products has created new avenues in cosmetics market. Herbal medicine have long history of use and better patient tolerance as well as acceptance medicinal plants have a renewable source which is due only hope for sustainable supplies of cheaper medicines for the world growing populations.There are a number of Naturals oils that are used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties
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Mr. Rahul Shriram Tiramal, Dr. Bharat .V. Jain, Dr. Sandip .R. Pawar, Mr. Tanveer .Y. Shaikh, "MULTIPURPOSE SKIN CARE EMULGEL FROM NATURAL OILS: REVIEW", International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol. 4, no. 12, pp. 115-126, 2022.
MLA Mr. Rahul Shriram Tiramal, Dr. Bharat .V. Jain, Dr. Sandip .R. Pawar, Mr. Tanveer .Y. Shaikh "MULTIPURPOSE SKIN CARE EMULGEL FROM NATURAL OILS: REVIEW." International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol 4, no. 12, 2022, pp. 115-126.
APA Mr. Rahul Shriram Tiramal, Dr. Bharat .V. Jain, Dr. Sandip .R. Pawar, Mr. Tanveer .Y. Shaikh (2022). MULTIPURPOSE SKIN CARE EMULGEL FROM NATURAL OILS: REVIEW. International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, 4(12), 115-126.
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