International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
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Manuscript Details - IJCIRAS1119

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Paper Id: IJCIRAS1119
Published in: International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
Publisher: IJCIRAS
ISSN: 2581-5334
Volume / Issue: Volume 1 Issue 9
Pages: 5
Published On: 2/20/2019 8:59:45 AM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
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Main Author Details
Institute: Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada, University, Auranagabad
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
Research Area: Languages and Literature
KeyWord: Trends, Epical, Classical, Contemporary.
Abstract: Literature is the mirror of the society. Literature in a sense not only provides and describes the events of the society, rather, it enriches, provides the required idea of the conditions the individual faces during the course of time in the society. There was a varied pattern when it started something to be talked about literature. In the early stages literature had a different concept of placing the emotions in front of people through poetic form. These poetic forms were gradually taken over by story and later on novels. Novels had been a major source of continuous action among the people which proved to be much flexible with flexibility of language. Trends changed on from the classical language to the languages which describe the situation in general. A new trend which emerged in presenting the social life among the general class was with the drama. The huge difference could be found with the way of presentation of the play when taken into consideration the time period of its emergence to the recent contemporary era. This complete change over in the pattern of presentation made the varied people with their though to come together. A varied form of writing with difference in pattern of stage performance and presentation can be found with many contemporary writers. From being epical in nature to being contemporary social in thought is what can be called as emerging drama which consistently pushes the individual to think in a much deeper sense.
Copy and paste a formatted citation or use one of the links to import into a bibliography manager and reference.

Ms. KIRTI PRAKASH SANGOLE, "PERFORMING ART: A KALEIDOSCOPIC FACE OF LITERATURE", International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol. 1, no. 9, pp. 73-77, 2019.
MLA Ms. KIRTI PRAKASH SANGOLE "PERFORMING ART: A KALEIDOSCOPIC FACE OF LITERATURE." International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol 1, no. 9, 2019, pp. 73-77.
APA Ms. KIRTI PRAKASH SANGOLE (2019). PERFORMING ART: A KALEIDOSCOPIC FACE OF LITERATURE. International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, 1(9), 73-77.
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