International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
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Manuscript Details - IJCIRAS1338

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Paper Id: IJCIRAS1338
Published in: International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies
Publisher: IJCIRAS
ISSN: 2581-5334
Volume / Issue: Volume 2 Issue 3
Pages: 8
Published On: 8/19/2019 1:54:55 AM      (MM/dd/yyyy)
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Main Author Details
Name: Thiri Kywe
Institute: Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological University (Meiktila)
Co - Author Details
Author Name Author Institute
Hnin Ngwe Yee Pwint Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological University (Meiktila)
Thae Thae Ei Aung Department of Electronic Engineering, Technological University (Meiktila)
Research Area: Electronics and Communication Engineering
KeyWord: Arduino, Servo Motor, Stepper Motor, MATLAB Software
Abstract: Today, the Growth of Technology and the use of CNC machine are rapidly increased. The idea behind this system is to design Automatic Mini CNC Drawing Machine with Arduino Microcontroller and CNC shield. This paper is going to help to design the Automatic Mini CNC Drawing Machine. This machine is going to operate like a CNC machine within the limited area. X-axis and Y-axis are used to move pen horizontally and vertically. Z-axis is used for the purpose of pen up and pen down. In this machine, two stepper motors are used to control horizontal and vertical movements. Metal gear servo is used to control the spindle. The cooling system is constructed with the temperature sensor and fan. The machine is going to be stopped when the temperature is beyond limit. As software implementation, the picture that wanted to draw is firstly converted to the SVG file. Then the SVG file is converted into corresponding G-code. All motors are only commanded by g-code which is created from the respective software. Moreover image processing and creating own SVG file is performing MATLAB and MATLAB is used to substitute premade vector graphics editor Inkscape in the system.
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Thiri Kywe, Hnin Ngwe Yee Pwint, Thae Thae Ei Aung, "ARDUINO BASED AUTOMATIC MINI CNC MACHINE FOR DRAWING", International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 51-58, 2019.
MLA Thiri Kywe, Hnin Ngwe Yee Pwint, Thae Thae Ei Aung "ARDUINO BASED AUTOMATIC MINI CNC MACHINE FOR DRAWING." International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, vol 2, no. 3, 2019, pp. 51-58.
APA Thiri Kywe, Hnin Ngwe Yee Pwint, Thae Thae Ei Aung (2019). ARDUINO BASED AUTOMATIC MINI CNC MACHINE FOR DRAWING. International Journal Of Creative and Innovative Research In All Studies, 2(3), 51-58.
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